Welcome to Dublin Northwest Partnership

Check out our videos
Here’s our new video about our Community Kitchen.
If you’d like to see more of our videos, check out our Youtube channel
“DNP SICAP Case Study” video produced by Alan Dunne (www.stubbornmonkeymedia.com)
DNP Vision
Full participation in a thriving community with opportunities for all

DNP Mission
Building vibrant communities by supporting and empowering marginalised people

DNP Values
Empowerment, Inclusion, Collective Action, Accountability
What Our Community Says
"Tús has been a fantastic and beneficial experience for us. It was a pleasure to support the participants and see the progress they made both on a skills level and on a personal level also."

"Excellent experience. I really felt I was back working again. I feel motivated now and more confident looking for work"

"You're able to get the supports that you need if you have any sort of additional needs"

"It's a very wonderful experience with Dublin Northwest and we say a very big thank you to them"
Access Support student
"I'm sending out more CVs and I'm getting more interviews and yeah, I believe I'll get there"
Employment Skills participant
"It's a great place to go and actually study. It's very social and I've made friends and we study well together."
Hub student