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Company Structure
Dublin Northwest Area Partnership CLG is a company limited by guarantee with charitable status. It is managed by a voluntary Board of Directors whose primary role is to:
- Co-ordinate the effective implementation of the Company’s Strategic Plan.
- Fulfil its governance, financial and contractual obligations.
- Monitor, through committee structures and the Senior Management Team, programmes which they are responsible for.
The Directors are drawn from the following sectors – Community, Statutory, Employer, Union and Representatives.
The Senior Management Team’s (SMT) primary role is:
- Developing and implementing Strategic and Annual Plans in conjunction with the Board.
- To provide effective leadership and direction across the organisation.
- To ensure staff are supported to effectively carry out their roles.
- Drafting/Recommending policies for approval.
- Ensuring contracts are delivered in compliance with funders’ conditions.
Community Directors
x 9
Martin Collins,
Caroline Molloy,
Paddy Haughey,
Aine Clancy (Chairperson),
Louisa Moss,
Vacancy x 4
Statutory Directors
x 4
Dr. Jane O’Kelly
Vacancy x 3
Employer/Union Directors
x 4
Eoin Murray
Tommy Simpson
Una Ni Riain (Co. Secretary)
Robert Murphy