Community Grant Application & Guideline Forms 2025

Dublin Northwest Partnership are delighted to launch our Community Grant for 2025. This grant is for Local Community Groups and community organisations in the Dublin North West area. Please see links below for the Community Grant 2025

Click here for the Community Grant GUIDELINES (Criteria for Applications)

Click here for the Community Grant APPLICATION FORM

The closing date for receipt of completed applications will be Friday 7th March 2025 at 4pm. Late applications will not be accepted.

Grant Application Information Workshops – click here to book your place for the morning workshop in Rosehill House, Finglas Village at 11am

Click here to book your place for the evening workshop in the AXIS Centre, Ballymun, at 6pm

DNP Social Inclusion Action Appraisal Committee (a subgroup of the DNP Board of Management) will review all applications and will approve selected applications based on clear criteria. Please note that applications will be scored based on merit and it may not be possible to award grants to all applicants as funding is limited.

Community Groups have the right to request feedback on their application; such requests must be submitted in writing.

Requirements of Successful Groups

Successful groups will become members of DNP’s Social Inclusion Network. This Network will provide a structured space where Community Groups can grow together, develop a stronger voice, and engage in collective action and strategic work. Commitment to the network will require a minimum participation in three network meetings. In addition to providing an opportunity for information sharing, training, and other capacity building supports will also be provided at network meetings. These inputs will be designed to enhance the capacity of Community Groups and may address areas such as evaluation, fundraising, project management and risk assessment.

Successful groups will also be required to:

Sign a contract with DNP. This contract will clearly detail the responsibilities of both DNP and the successful LCG.

Attend compulsory training on DNP administrative and reporting requirements prior to receipt of any financial supports.

Host interim visits of DNP staff and submit evidence of expenditure and final reports.

Supporting documentation must be provided to ensure the grant was spent for the purposes intended e.g., a report of the activity and costs funded by DNP, and evidence that the expenditure was incurred (submission of receipts). This must be signed off by the Chairperson of the community organisation.

Display the programme funders logos on all promotional materials relevant to the funded activities (these will be provided to successful applicants)

Successful groups will be invited to showcase their work at the seminar in early 2026

#euinmyregion  #eufundingireland