Wellness at DNP
Dublin Northwest Partnership offers supports and services to encourage wellness in the community. We offer Social Prescribing, Healthy Food Made Easy, Wellness workshops and We Can Quit programme.
If you’d like to find out more about our Wellness Workshops, click here
Social Prescribing
What is social prescribing?
Social Prescribing is a new free support available in the community delivered by DNP in partnership with the HSE. Social prescribing aims to reduce social isolation and improve people’s social, mental and physical health and wellbeing.
Pauline McGuinness and Cathy Smyth, our Social Prescribing Link Workers for Finglas & Cabra, will give you information on social groups, exercise classes, wellness, mediation and relaxation sessions, volunteering opportunities, support service and much more all in your local area.
How does it work?
Step 1: You can connect with our Social Prescribing Link Workers yourself or be referred by a health professional or community worker.
Step 2: They will arrange to meet with you.
Step 3: They will listen to what you are interested in and support you to find information on what is available locally.
Step 4: You will choose the activities and supports that are right for you.
Step 5: They will contact you to see how you are doing and if your experience is a happy one.
A referral form is also available to download under ‘useful documents’ on the right side of this page.
For more information for Health Professionals referrals, click here.
Further information and details of other social prescribing services across Ireland are available on the All Ireland Social Prescribing Network website. Check out the ‘useful links’ section on the right hand side of this page.
For more information contact our Social Prescribing Link Workers
Pauline McGuinness (for Finglas)
Cathy Smyth (for Cabra)
Healthy Food Made Easy
What is Healthy Food Made Easy?
The Healthy Food Made Easy course is aimed at supporting people who are interested in healthier eating, particularly where cost is a consideration
The main goal is to improve people’s nutritional knowledge and cooking skills. This will help them to make healthier food choices for themselves and their families. Healthy Food Made Easy is delivered in partnership with the HSE.
How long is the course?
The course will run over 6x 2 ½ hour sessions, some of which have a practical cookery element.
All sessions are designed to be practical and fun.
What topics are covered?
Session1: Building a Food Pyramid
Session2: Fibre Providers
Session3: Focus on Fats
Session4: Food for Life
Session5: Shop Smart!
Session6: The Road Ahead
For more information, contact Audrey Hyland – Health Food Made Easy Coordinator
Community Food and Nutrition Workers
We have two registered nutritionists, Aine Coleman and Stefan Isbanda, who are placed in the community facilitating workshops, talks and initiatives in relation to food and nutrition, and the cost-of-living.
They are here to support the community food environment, addressing food sustainability and concerns. Our Community Food Club initiative will start again in Finglas in February 2025. Check out our video below to find out more.
For more information:
Contact Áine Coleman – Community Food & Nutrition Worker
Contact Stefan Isbanda – Community Food & Nutrition Worker
We Can Quit Programme
We Can Quit is a peer-led smoking cessation programme for people aged 18yrs and over delivered by DNP in partnership with the HSE.
The programme runs for 8 to 12 weeks in total and includes free NRT (Nicotine Replacement Therapy) for each participant. During their quit journey, participants are supported via phone and in-person meetings and also receive a resource pack to assist them on their quit journey. The success rate for the programme is very high and growing in popularity.
Click here for information on upcoming We Can Quit programmes

HSE - Your Service, Your Say
If you would like to feedback to any HSE service, you can check out www.hse.ie/yoursay or Freephone 1800 424 555 (+353 1 642 4555 from outside Ireland.
For more information, contact Leon Kelly – Community Wellness Officer
Wellness Workshops
We manage a large number of courses in person, indoors and outdoors and online. These workshops and courses include:
· Wellness through physical exercise and walking group, meditation, mindfulness, decluttering your mind and surroundings, Yoga and Thai Chi, arts and crafts.
· Gardening and horticulture projects and courses. Composting project at Greenview community garden and Rosehill house.
Programme of activities for 2025
More Wellness courses, such as Yoga, Fitness and Mindfulness & Meditation
English classes for our new community members and Failte Isteach community volunteer led English conversation classes
For more information, contact Leon Kelly – Community Wellness Officer